They’ve arrived

Desi 👦🏼 👼🏽👼🏽🤱🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻

Jayden and Jameson arrived 10/18 at 33weeks2 days!

Was having sharp cramps on and off all day long. After midnight they had turn into painful contractions that were every 10 minutes, to 8 then 5 minutes apart. My S/O had already gone to bed. I woke him up and told him I thought I might need to get to the hospital. He groaned and told me to go lay down and see if it goes away 🤦🏻‍♀️. I grabbed the keys and left 😂 Hospital is only 10 minutes away and I knew I just had to get thru 2 contractions and I would be there. Got there and thankfully there was a nurse standing outside the ER and seen me hobbling like an old lady trying to get inside. They got me in checked me and I was a 4cm 90 effaced. Shortly after they checked again and I was a 6. I kept calling my S/O but he was dead asleep. I knew by five is alarm would wake him but I was hoping it wasn’t going to be too late. My mom drove over and banged on the door and woke him up and for me. He got there then I stalled for a while after that so they gave me pitocin and broke my water and shortly after wheeled me to the Operating room. Attempting a vaginal birth and knowing a C-section might happen. Was able to deliver vaginally! Everything went so smooth it was just super painful. Twin a came out and 15 minutes later so did twin b. Dad even got to help dr deliver baby B 🥰 Baby A 4.11 and baby B

5lbs. They will be in nicu a month or so but doing wonderful!