I need to rant


So I'm 35w5d and I had my clinic appointment today, I've been having really and pelvic pressure and pain the past few days so I'd thought I'd bring it up to the midwife, also been having an increase in discharge. She completely dismissed me said it was completely normal and the pains were normal just Braxton Hicks. She felt around and said that he is nowhere near engaged and he is good, I'm good, we done pretty much. She also was trying to persuade me not to see the OB saying "I don't think you neeeeed to see him did you just want to go home" I politely said that I would like to see him as I have every appointment as I am high risk.

So I see the OB and he agreed that the Braxton Hicks could be the cause but he will do a cervical because of the discharge. Turns out LO is fully engaged, and I also have thrush!! I told him that the midwife said he was nowhere near engaged and he felt my stomach a second time and said "yep definitely engaged, but you aren't dialating so I'd say two weeks but hard to say". Would you be mad at your midwife for dismissing you like that? Especially being high risk? (For reference I had a threatened miscarriage and I have gestational hypertension I was in hospital last week for)