Development delay

I have a niece who is almost 2.5, my August baby is older and I have a younger daughter who is almost 2. We have a close family and they see their cousin alot. I started noticing my niece acted alot different then my children. Obviously every child is different and develop at their own pace but I've just noticed some red flags and wondering if I'm just worrying about nothing. My mother-in-law has bought up the same issues to me and my grandmother and mom have noticed she delayed in a lot of other areas. She is an only child and doesn't play with other kids often where as my kids both go to daycare so that might be why but I'm not sure. She is very behind in speech.. she can say about 5 words, mom, dad, grammie, hi, bye. She might just be a late talker but what concerns me more is the interaction with people. I feel like when I talk to her nothing is happening, I will ask her yes or no questions or where's your nose? Or simple tasks. She just stares... Nothing happens. She just started getting excited to see her grandparents or her cousins but before there would be no interaction, no emotion when she saw people she knew well. She rarely shows affection to her grandparents. She's constantly jumping, she will put everything in her mouth and will eat the sand out of the sand box. She just stares at me like I have two heads if I interact with her. She also lacks alot of basic skills. She can't get her shoes on and struggles with doing simple puzzles. Maybe she's just a little behind and will get there but her parents don't think there's an issue even with the speech. My mother-in-law mentioned that she could get her on the list for speech therapy since it's a long list but she doesn't want to do that. She has also offered to pay for daycare for 1 day to get some social time in for her but she won't do it. My sister in law is in a wheelchair so she can't take her to playgroups so daycare is really the only option for her to get to play with other kids. Is this normal? Am I worring about nothing?