Third Ultrasound?


I had my first US at 8wks and then my 20wk anatomy scan where she measured in the 74th percentile and measured 2wks ahead in her weight (which I know they typically are wrong about). Anyways when I went to my first appointment I was told and got a packet saying in a healthy normal pregnancy they will only do 2 ultrasounds. My doctor told me at my appointment today to schedule my next appointment for after thanksgiving and that I’ll be getting another US (I’ll be 28wks). My mom was with me and I was distracted and didn’t really connect that this wasn’t normal.😅 Im gonna follow up again with my doctor, unfortunately their computer systems are down so I’ll have to try to catch her via phone on one of my lunch breaks at work. I’m sure it’s nothing to be too concerned about since she didn’t specifically state why we were doing it. But in the meantime I’m curious if baby’s weight is maybe the reason they want to do another one?