


Imdue to have my gallbladder removed next week through laparoscopic surgery. I’m terrified that something will go wrong and I will die in theatre or shortly after the operation. I have bad health anxiety and OCD and I’m absolutely driving myself insane with worry. I have a 4 month old baby and I love him so much and I’m so scared that when they put me to sleep I won’t wake up or something will go wrong. Or I’ll have the operation and be fine but then just die from complications. I’m aware how silly this sounds. But I’m quite overweight and 113kg and I’m worried that this will be a factor of complications. Had anybody had gallbladder surgery under anaesthesia and been absolutely fine? Please share your stories if you have any. I’m desperately seeking reassurances.

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Posted at
I had mine out in June this year. I was so terrified of exactly the same stuff as you. I was crying while they were putting me out! But I’m now fully recovered and even pregnant. Advice: walk as much as you can after the surgery so you don’t get gas built up in your system, it’s supposed to be agony but it didn’t happen to me as I walked every half hour to an hour (just up and down the living room)


👶🏻👦🏻❤️ • Oct 31, 2022
Hi Sophie. Yeah I had it out in the uk. Surgery done and home the same day. 4 scars as it was keyhole


So • Oct 31, 2022
Did you have yours done in the uk Jess?


Posted at
Hiya, just a bit of reassurance I had mine removed last year and was honestly feeling exactly the same as you. It was my first operation and honestly I promise you there is nothing to worry about at all. I was as anxious as they come, to a point I even thought of just walking out the hospital but it was the best thing I ever had having it done. I wouldn’t think twice now knowing what I do if I had to go in and have the same procedure twice. Only thing I would say is I had quite bad sickness coming round which lasted about an hour. You will be absolutely fine. X


Posted at
Thank you both. This helps me massively knowing that other people have been absolutely fine x