Breastfeeding and ttc


I delivered my daughter at the end of January 2022, she just turned nine months old. We have been using the Natural Cycles to track temperatures and try to figure out when I’m ovulating to prevent pregnancy up until recently. We wouldn’t mind our kids being a year and a half to two years apart, so at this point we aren’t trying super hard by any means but we wouldn’t mind getting pregnant. I have had super irregular cycles up until this point. I got my first period when she was six months old, then 60 days later I got my second one, and now I’m on cycle day 27 with a positive ovulation test. We still are breast-feeding though she’s obviously eating solids as well.

I guess my question is if you’ve breast-fed while trying to conceive did your cycle regulate before you could get pregnant? I know that some people have supply dips in the second trimester… Has anybody breast-fed their child while pregnant in here?

Also want to add that I’m not looking for opinions on whether or not we should be getting pregnant 😅🫶🏻