Am I over reacting?

I am friends with this girl and I noticed she is very jealous sometimes. One time she told me she didn’t like when my dog was around when we hung out because she wanted it to be just us and have my full attention. She asked if she could stop by this weekend and I said sure. My 8 month old niece was over. When she got here she said “oh. I didn’t know SHE would be here” and then said to let her know when she’s gone because she wants to hangout with just me. I told her I have her often (she’s my baby girl and I typically pick her up on weekends or after work during the week) and she seemed annoyed. She randomly brought up that she doesn’t think I’ll be able to love her kids as much as I love my niece. (She doesn’t have kids but is saying in the future if she ever does) I thought this was all so weird and told her to leave. I feel like that is extremely rude to talk about my baby girl like that and try to alienate her. She’s just a baby. Am I wrong to be mad?

It’s also weird because she was asleep for the night. She didn’t even see her at all