Talking & walking help

Hi! I’m a FTM, just wanted some other moms tips or advice on helping my 12 month old talk and walk.

Talking, all he says alllll day is mamamam, mumumum and occasionally bababab. I don’t think he’s saying mama with intention because he just babbles it all day. I talk to him, I try to say other things like nana, dada, gaga along with actual words and make sure to name things like car, puppy, ball when playing but he just repeated mamamamama. Is this something that will just happen eventually?

Walking, he can stand up by pulling up on something or just using the wall and he can creep but has not stood up without holding anything. I try to let go when he’s standing holding my hand but he falls on his butt. I also take his hands and try to get him to walk but he acts like I’m torturing him and he usually just sits and crawls off. I feel like he could do it but I don’t know how to help him more than I am. He loves standing, though. He plays while standing a lot.