Long story short, you didn’t ovulate when the app said you did in this particular cycle, so that’s why your period didn’t show up when the app said it should have.
ja • Nov 9, 2022
Ok ..I've been using this app for 5 years and this app is always on point with the prediction of AF if anything I would get AF a day before the prediction day so that's why this is so weird to me because out of 5 years I've never been this late but thanks I'll try to wait a week 😬
𝔸𝕞 • Nov 9, 2022
Then really there’s no way to know if you’re late or not. The app makes estimated predictions based off of previous cycles and the other information you feed to the app. I would wait another week and see if your period arrives, and if it doesn’t, test again!
Oh sorry I forgot what group I was in but I deleted them
Sa • Nov 8, 2022
You’re not supposed to post pregnancy tests in this group. But to me those look negative. Your period being late can be caused my plenty of things that don’t include pregnancy
ja • Nov 8, 2022
I did this morning i updated my post with pic of test this morning and my calendar