Does this sound like implantation bleeding?


I’m 12/13 DPO today (depending on which app I look at). My period is due either tomorrow or the day after.

Usually my periods are like a faucet, with day 1 being medium/heavy, day 2 being heavy, and day 3 being a sharp decline to nothing. I don’t remember ever getting slight spotting before, it’s usually just “as soon as it comes, it COMES!” If that makes sense?

Today I had some brown spotting. I would describe it like brown cervical mucus. It started around noon and now almost 10 hours later, it’s hit or miss whenever I wipe. Sometimes it comes back with a very slight brown tinge but very very little, sometimes it comes back completely clean. I’ve been taking tests since 8 DPO but they’ve all come back negative. Does this sound like it could be implantation bleeding?