Is it normal to get positive OPK’s 3 days in a row?


Hey lovely ladies, I’m just a little confused!

So it’s my first cycle using OPK’s.

I have had 3 positives in a row CD 14/15&today(16), is this normal? I assumed you get a quick surge which only lasts maybe a day at most then goes back to negative?

As far as I am aware I have always had regular cycles (28/29 days) and I don’t have PCOS.

I guess I’m just finding it a little confusing as to when I will actually ovulate (I know these tests don’t determine this) so I guess it’s just keep BDing?

My fiancé and I have BD’d CD12,13,14&15 and hopefully tonight too…

Just wondering if this is normal?

Thank you for your help xx