What has changed?

What has changed over there years or did I just have wrong expectations?

I am a mother of two and no doubt I love them to bits! My youngest is now one year and my older one three.

But I find it hard!

I struggle!

My husband sometimes has to work weekends and I am jealous!

Sometimes I wish I could work weekends so I would be kids-free.

I thought having kids is more fulfilling! But I am constantly cleaning and cooking! I don’t have time to shower or read a book. The kids argue a lot and there are breakdowns all the time!

I started working part time again 5 hours a day and pick up the kids at two. I find it so relaxing to work! I can pop to the loo whenever I want! I can enjoy a cup of tea and I talk with adults. But at two there is still so much to do! The kids go to bed at 9ish.

When I pick them up they act out a lot.

We live in a small flat and they share one room which doesn’t make it any easier.

I also wonder if I struggle because we have no family support and if it would make a difference?

My brother is now expecting a child. They have both sets of grandparents living nearby and the great grandparents!

He already always laughed at how I struggle.

I do wonder if they have a different experience with all the support and just one child.

Is it me?

Is it our generation? Before I had kids I had a good job and was travelling all the time. I worked as an consultant in digitalisation as I studied Computer science.

Now money is tight and I can’t work on a career job, I also don’t want to with to kids.

What’s your experience?
