Did I do something wrong?


So when I had gotten my first ultrasound at 7w my doctor noticed within a week I dropped 7 pounds from 207 to 200 which concerned her. She said she wanted to see me in 2 weeks and I need to be snacking all day to keep nausea/vomiting at bay to gain this weight back and she does not care what it is even fast food, I need to eat and drink water.

Appointment came for a little over 2 weeks after that and I finally gained to 206! I felt so proud, I used to have a very unhealthy relationship with my weight and I’ve NEVER been proud to have gained. I used to weigh 150 before I got pregnant with my first so this whole 200 thing is new and hard to adjust to. She took me by surprise and said “you need to slow down! You’ve gained 6 pounds in almost 3 weeks. You’re eating too much” and that hit me hard and now I feel myself falling back into not wanting to eat or if I eat what I crave even if it’s a small portion I beat myself up over it.

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