Reclining position okay?


Hi all, 19+4 here and I’ve been doing good to avoid sleeping and laying on my back. I’m wondering about reclining/lounging on the couch. Is that okay for baby? It feels so nice on my lower back but I don’t want to cut off any blood to baby. I’m not flat on my back. I also don’t know if maybe I’m worrying about this too soon.

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You can lay/sleep however you’re comfortable! You most likely won’t feel good laying totally flat in your third trimester, but you’ll most likely be fine in reclined positions at any point, even to sleep if you use a couple of extra pillows in bed. Being on your side night after night can get hard on the hips!


🌷Ashley • Nov 20, 2022
Do you have a pregnancy pillow yet? A lot of people find they help


Megan • Nov 20, 2022
My hips are sooo achey 😣 I have to put a pillow under them while I sleep and usually have to switch sides a few times a night.