how to make him feel confident about his body?

the guy i’m seeing is insecure about his belly. he’s in great shape, he works out and goes to the gym. i keep trying to tell him that i don’t see anything wrong with his body. he is the tiniest bit pudgy, but i like that about him. to make things clear, i would go out with this guy regardless if he were heavy or not. in fact, i like when guys are bigger than me, i like buff. he doesn’t understand this. i keep telling him he’s perfect, but he won’t even take his shirt off when we’re doing sexual stuff (we haven’t had sex yet). hes shown me what he looks like without a shirt on and i honestly see NOTHING WRONG!! he keeps reassuring me that i’ll see more of him in a few months when he gets in shape, but i like him now, and in a few months i’m sure my opinion won’t change.

how can i make him feel more confident about his body? what can i tell him? i wanna compliment him but i also don’t wanna come off too strong because we haven’t been going out long. i really really like him, and he always reassures me whenever i don’t feel confident about myself. are there any things i can do physically as well to show him that i love that part of him?