Is it normal for Bp to fluctuate so much? 33wks

Ive posted about this yesterday when my BP was getting elevated and I went to L&D where it went back to normal after resting there for an hour. They are also making me do a 24hr urine collection test cause my bloodtest wasn’t great. They sent me home and told me to rest.

Today I had to get my toddler ready for daycare which wasn’t bad just getting her dressed, nothing strenuous. I start feeling shaky and hands swelling, My BP went up to 146/81. I then went to rest the rest of the morning and it went down to around 135/75.

But just now I simply got up to pee and went downstairs to put it in the jug and felt shaky so I took my BP and it went back up to 148/87.

Why is it fluctuating so much with simple everyday activity…? The numbers aren’t extremely high but still concerning no?