At what point is anxiety meditation worth it while pregnant?


I have adhd and anxiety. I've been off of my adhd medication since December. That's been the most helpful thing in treating my anxiety.

Now that I'm pregnant, my anxiety has come back full force. I'm so scared of everything. I worry about something happening to me, something happening to the baby, the big earthquake that's going to hit in oregon eventually (where i live), losing my husband - EVERYTHING. I'll have a few good days, and then I have a just awful day.

I see a counselor and that helps a bit. But I just feel so awful. I hate that I'm like this and I wish I could just be normal. I really don't want to get on medication, but im suffering. I just really don't know what the right thing is.

Ps I'm not intending on getting on my adhd medication while pregnant or breastfeeding. It's not an option for me. Im talking about anxiety medication.