Never posted about having my girl!

Halie • Brian P Raines 🥰10/05/2018 💍02/05/2019 Delilah R Raines💞12/10/2020 @ 9:18am weighing 8lbs and was 20.5 inches long. Baby Raines #2 due October 24th, 2022 💞🥺🥰🤰

I was due 10/24 ended up having her at 38 weeks 4 days. Got induced due to her heartbeat dropping multiple times in the monitor plus I was set to be induced by 39 weeks anyways due to pre-eclampsia. Had her on 10/14!

She weighed 6lbs 12oz and 19 1/4 inches long! I labored for 2 hours actively but induction process took 6 hours in total! I was induced with my first due to gestational hypertension at 39 weeks 3 days. Had her at 39 weeks 4 days. That induction took a total of 11.5 hours but actively labored for 1 hour with her 💀 she was an 8lb baby and 20.5 inches long! So went from having a big baby to a small baby. My first wore newborn this baby wore premie!

She’s now 5 weeks 3 days old and weighs 9lbs 0.4oz and I’m still EBF no bottles! 🥺

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I also developed severe pre-eclampsia during labor and ended up having a 4 day hospital stay! 🥺