Our surprise baby is a girl!


So happy to be home! Went in for an induction on Thursday evening at 38+2 because my blood pressure was terrible. Absolutely nothing happened the first day with cytotec and Pitocin, no dilation, barely felt contractions. My doctor gave me a break from meds around Friday lunchtime to eat and rest, then we restarted the induction Friday afternoon. Well I was definitely feeling painful contractions, but was getting really tired and upset because after I had been there 30 hours I was still only dilated 1 cm and I was really afraid the doctor was going to push for a c section (they wouldn’t let me go home until after baby was born because my blood pressure was all over the place). My doctor suggested I get an epidural, saying me getting some R&R might help my body progress. I was skeptical because I’ve read that epidurals can slow down or stall labor, but I agreed because I was exhausted and definitely ready for some pain relief. Well the epidural only partly worked (basically only numbed my legs) so I was still in a ton of pain while we were waiting for the anesthesia guy to come back to adjust it. I was just over it all and told my husband I would agree to a c-section at that point if my doctor suggested it. Well thankfully the adjustment on my epidural worked and I finally could relax. The nurse checked me soon after that and said I was dilated to 6! I got a little sleep and it seemed like no time at all (maybe a few hours? Can’t remember exact times) and it was time to start pushing. Pushed for 10 minutes and our GIRL was born! Rory Lea, born Saturday 11/19 at 7:47AM. 8lb 6oz, a pound less than her big sister was when she was born so she seems tiny 🙂. I didn’t really think my daughters looked alike but comparing them side by side in the same outfit I can see it.