TW Chem Preg


Soo I am scared I am having a chemical pregnancy only 50% sure! I ovulated CD19 so it was heading towards the late side, so I was due for my AF DPO11/12. I had a vvfl at 12DPO, and decided to wait till 15dpo to see a line progress but eneded up with my AF, do chemical pregnancies flow go heaps onto a pad or just when wiping? Cramps are pretty bad, and AF seems medium heavy but only tiny but is going in to it.

But also, I gor my mirena out late Sep, but had normal and ontime AF first month, so could it be just my period is irregular now? OR

Ive started taking prenatals and vitamin C so could it just be that extending my luteal phase??

So many different scenarios, why is TTC so hard...