Need advice


Sooo I need to vent and possibly get some advice. I have 3 kids ages 13, 2, and 4 months. My 13 year old is very helpful and a great big sister but of course she's still a kid so she can't do everything because it wouldn't be fair on her. However, I'm TIRED and need a break from my 2 year old and 4 month old. My two year old is a burst of energy and she's busy busy busy every minute of the day.

She definitely living out her terrible twos. And my 4 month old, he's sweet and chill but he's a baby so he has his moments and requires a lot of attention. The issue is I get so overwhelmed with them. I can barely do anything throughout the day. I can't eat in peace, shit, read, cook, clean or anything! It's like when one is crying or need me and I tend to him/her the other one starts! And sometimes it's both of them. I just wish I had somewhere I could drop them off at sometimes to get escape and get a break.

My mom isn't to savvy on babysitting because of their ages and their a handful 🙄 but what pisses me off is she has done it for my younger sister. She practically raised my sister two kids when they were smaller, but she just doesn't come off as helpful to me. I'm with my kids everyday all day. I NEVER get a break. I know they're my kids and my responsibility, but that can't be healthy right? My husband is very helpful when he's home but he works evenings/overnights and sleeps throughout the day cause of his schedule.

So I don't just get a big break that often. My husband's mom isn't in our life so that's not an option. Long story short, she's toxic and narcissistic. I'm trying my best to avoid putting them in daycare because my anxiety would be too bad. I don't want to have to leave them with strangers. Plus, so many illnesses are going around. I feel like I need help/a break and I don't know what to do. It's becoming so overwhelming for me and they require a lot cause of their ages. I just need to vent. I love my kids but lord knows I need a break. 😩