Sad in-laws

Does anyone else have sad in-laws? There are 6 grandchildren within an hour of each other up here and no matter how many times we invite them to be involved they claim to be “too busy” my mother in law is retired. Has been since she was 50.

We invite to plays & dance recitals and birthday parties, holidays and vacations. They simply say they can’t, don’t have time. Our niece just had surgery and they didn’t come see her. It’s all of the children and grandchildren they seem to have little love for. Never asking after us or anything.

Meanwhile my mom moves heaven and earth to spend more time driving then seeing them.

My children are starting to notice. They’re missing out on these fleeting years. It’s so sad for them and for my kids.

When my first was born she demanded to be there. Now, we are an inconvenience at best.

It’s frustrating and sad and annoying. How do you deal? Prepare your babies for them to never show?