First month trying 🤞🏻


First cycle trying soy isoflavones! Hoping to hear some stories of other women taking it. I started it cd 5 and going till cd 9 (I’m currently on cd 6) on 100mg to start as I heard to start at a lower dose.

Little back story, I’m on cycle 10 of ttc baby number two and have pcos. However, after having my baby (took 2 years ttc), my cycles regulated for a little bit, and now the past 3 cycles have been failed ovulation… which is exactly how my body USE to be pre-baby 😭 I’ve confirmed this by temping and using opks. I’ve done my research with soy isoflavones and really hoping it’s just that little bit my body needs to jumpstart again, I’ve had 2 miscarriages since trying and can’t handle anymore loss. I just wanna give my baby a sibling so bad 😭 🤞🏻 😣

#soyisovlavones #soy #Hopeful #Rainbowbaby #doublerainbowbaby