I’m just so desperate at this point

Marlen • Two boys, One girl TTC our last and final baby ❤️

So this will be a long post so I apologize ahead of time 😔

So for the past few months I have been suffering from depression and it just was slowly getting worse and worse. But I never said anything to anyone. I then found out about my husband and his coworker 😒 and I slowly ended up being “done” with my marriage. One night after work, I work at sonic and we closed at midnight, I got home and my husband was still awake on his phone. I opened up to him and told him that I have been super depressed lately and I’m just so unhappy in life and that the only things keeping me here is our three children. HE FLIPPED. He was so mad that I said I was unhappy that the fact of me being depressed went in one ear and out the other. We talked about it and both came to an agreement that it was best for us to separate. Originally he told me that there was no rush on my moving out because I work at sonic and being that it’s cold, sonic is superrrrr slow. I only get about 15-20 hours in 2 weeks. Well thanksgiving week, on Tuesday he told me that I should go stay with a friend for a few days to get my mind off of everything. So I packed up a little bag and went over to a friends house. On thanksgiving and I was getting ready to go home, he texted me and said that he dropped off boxes at my moms with all my stuff in them. I’m out. He’s keeping the house, the car and even the dogs. At this point I’m so desperate because there is no way that I will be able to buy my kids Xmas gifts and even pay some bills.

Im beyond embarrassed to even ask im literally just at my wits end with everything and feel like there isn’t anything else for me to do at this point. I am applying for new jobs too. But anything right now helps 🥺