Need advice ladies, cycle day 37, no period negative tests

Mackenzie • Blessed mommy of 3 💕 and 👼

Hey lovely’s, alittle background I had regular like clock work cycles since I had my son 2 1/2 years ago. It’s every 29-32 days always a pattern it follows. I’m on cycle day 37 only time I have ever missed a period is when I was pregnant with my kids ( I have 3) I have taken tests for the past week and all negative. I have sever nausea and all signs of pregnancy like my other 3 but negative tests. Has anyone gone through this? It’s very off for me to magically miss my period. My husband and I use natural tracking and weren’t exactly careful this month. So there is a possibility. I was wondering what others have gone through and if someone had something similar happen? I mean I read hook effect and low hcg but idk seems impossible. I’m really confused and feel super off so it be helpful to hear others stories

I also ovulated around cycle day 24, I always get egg white CM around time of ovulation and it was very heavy then. But not odd for me to ovulate alittle later and get my period the same it should of been a 32 day cycle