Currently going through a chemical 😭💔


My heart is broken. I have a healthy 4 year old little girl. This was our first month of ttc number 2, found out I was pregnant on Wednesday through an early FRER and a digital. This time did feel different, I had extremely bad cramps that I didn’t get before and spotting that I thought was implantation. AF was due on Saturday and she turned up, took the remaining two tests and they were negative. I am now bleeding as normal, not majorly heavy but enough. All my symptoms have gone.

I’m so upset. My boyfriend doesn’t seem to understand and has said stuff like “if you didn’t test early you would have just come on your period and never would have known” I know he’s being logical and he’s right but I’m still mourning what could have been. It’s heartbreaking and I wish I was not as emotional as I am I’m just finding it really hard.

Can anyone lend some reassurance and positivity on if you conceived after your chemical?

I have it in my head now there is something wrong with me and I’m not working properly.

Baby dust to everyone.