'All babies are different'


I just hate the phrase... as I feel that it is used to dismiss issues, ignore well researched scientific advice and justify decisions...

Babies actually are very, very similar- they need certain amounts of sleep, milk and their digestive tracks are almost universally the same..(Especially signs of readiness for weaning..)

I've also done quite a bit of research into the myth of the 'hungry baby' and the risks associated with it!


I should have said, I have two kids- and they are personality wise VERY different- even as one as a newborn. He loves to BF- but should that

Mean that I can defend feeding him food at 2 months as I 'can't keep up with him' - or should I let him sleep on his tummy as he 'likes it' - no- we shouldn't let people do things that are unsafe under the banner that 'mum knows best and all babies are different'...

I'm just fed up of that phrase excusing dangerous parenting