I feel like I'm cheating but I'm not...

Idm what's wronf with me. So my and my BD been together for 2yrs but he's been a dead beat to his child. I shouldered the load and sacrificed alot.

We're technically broken up. I told him I was done and he himself isn't over me. Ever time I say I'm done-- he keeps trying to pull us together saying I love you and miss you, i wanna be with you , are you sure and I kept telling him no. But he won't leave me alone. I'm over the relationship bc he's too much of a lame dead beat and does jack shit for his child.

Anyway I was sexting a guy..well he sent me a pic and I felt such a huge load of guilt.. I couldn't send anything back.

My bd has lost some family recently. I was there for him but idk we do not work well together but I just feel like he has to move on before I can bc I feel so bad for him.

I feel I can't move on until he does.

@KC- you're right. This lame man has no car and is 40+, he only sees her when I drop her off to him. It's really sad and annoying on my end. I want to cut the cord. It's hard bc I'm not gonna keep the baby from him.. if he wants to see her ill take her to see her dad. I'd feel like a bitch not doing so. But I don't lead him on-- I keep telling him it's over while he begs and begs and begs.