Am I in the wrong

My husband and I both have mental health struggles. He is medicated for depression, and I am on medication for OCD. He goes to therapy every few weeks and I haven't gone in awhile but have an appt tomorrow.

I have a lot of relationship OCD - worrying if my husband is cheating, lying, etc.

Today he worked a 12 hour shift and during that time I texted him a lot asking for reassurance as I was getting intrusive thoughts if he was lying to me.

Once his shift was over I asked him for more assurance and he got upset with me and irritated. Said I need to get my mental health under control and go back to therapy and he is "tired of dealing with this crap."

I got more upset and he tried distracting me and asking to watch a movie. I wanted more assurance as I saw he blocked 2 random numbers.

I asked who it was and he jokingly called me a "snoopy" and said he doesn't remember, it was probably random solicitors.

I told him I was worried he was lying or secretly texting someone and he then looked at me and said "there is no hope for you."

We haven't spoke since - he's now playing video games in the living room and I'm in the bedroom upset he said that to me.

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