Need advice


I've been with my bf a year now, living together since August.

There's nothing physical between us at all. It's been months since we've had sex, and he hardly ever touches me. There's no "spicing up" the relationship, he says he has low drive and it's always been an issue in past relationships and he used to wear testosterone patches.

I'm not one to fault anyone for a physical condition they can't help, but he won't address this with a Dr. He also sees no problem in buying countless vitamins and supplements, but won't even try otc testosterone pills. He also never cares to take care of me, so to speak. And I'm not into doing it myself.

He never compliments me, never. One time he told me I was beautiful and that's it. I don't need reassurance and I'm not insecure but it's like damn, can't you notice anything I do to make myself attractive? He notices nothing about me.

He acknowledges he neglects me physically and emotionally but does nothing to remedy it.

He's a wonderful man regardless, a hard worker, very good to me in all other ways.

What on earth can I do? 🥺 The lack of sex got worse when he moved in, it had tapered off before but hadn't stopped, so I didn't know beforehand it would be like this. And we don't talk about it so it's not like I'm making him feel bad. I just feel completely rejected over the emotional issues.