Implantation Bleeding? Please Help 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve been TTC for a couple years now. I keep getting let down. I’m on a 28 day cycle and on CD18 I started getting breast tenderness. On CD19 I was feeling nauseous, having breast tenderness and I was spotting like this all day. I’m now on CD24 and I still am having pretty bad nausea but I still haven’t thrown up and my breasts are even more tender now. I only spotted that one day. I never had any type of ovulation symptoms before and I have been tracking for 2 years now (on other apps as well) please someone help. I want to rest but I’m afraid of getting my hopes up and I should be getting AF on Dec 16-17th.

P.s I’m sorry for the lent on the TP I wasn’t wearing any underwear and this happened! My apologies 🤦🏻‍♀️😅