Update on my appt


So as I’m writing this Dylan is going crazy in my tummy kicking me making me go pee!… anyways we went to my high risk appt and the ultrasound showed that the cerclage is holding but I’m having this contractions and the baby is pushing the stitch. So dr (which we love) said the baby wants to come out. So he went and added Cervical Pessary. 🤦‍♀️ plus Up’d my dose of the nifedipine from 1 pill every 6hrs to 2 pills every 6hrs. And also to take Indomethacin for 2 days to help preterm labor. All of these are to prevent pre-term labor as I’m only 22 weeks it’s very early. He said to at least reach 28 weeks but of course we are still shooting for full term🙏💙