When should I tell my closest family?


Hi all. Today I am 5w 6d. I got a transvag ultrasound yesterday (an early one because previous history of losses) and the doctor said it looked perfect. Right now there is only a gestational sac sized at 0.91cm. Nothing else to see yet. I really want to tell my father in law on Christmas (only him, he is like my Dad) and my mother. I would be 7w 1d on Christmas. My only problem is I'm a bit worried about telling them when we haven't seen anything else yet because my next ultrasound appointment isn't until January 11th at 9w 4d. I haven't had bleeding. All my other pregnancies passed before 4w 6d so I have a good feeling. I'm on heparin this time to help keep the baby. I'm just kinda anxious. Just looking for support or someone to talk to.