Day 45 of my cycle - been TTC for 5 years


Back story. My husband had stage 4 Ewings Sarcoma when he was 10. Went through chemo and radiation and miraculously survived and has been cancer free since.

We decided in 2017 that we would start trying. Nothing happened for a while. After two years we decided to start his testing because of his history. They were shocked he had any viable sperm at all and told us “we were still very young and to keep trying on our own, if it didn’t happen in a couple years we could go through fertility treatments.” We recently got new insurance that covered some fertility so we decided to start the process.

My last cycle started on Nov 4. and the following week I had my “dye test” to see if my tubes and everything looked okay. The dr said everything looked good, and we have our initial appointment Dec 22 to go over results and our options.

Well I am currently on day 45 of my cycle… I have taken like 5 pregnancy tests and they have all been negative. I do not feel stressed more than normal, I have not made any changes in my life recently.. I have been having cramping in my lower abdomen, and my lower back. 2 weeks ago I was nauseous on and off mainly in the morning and at night… but all negative tests. I have never been this late.

What should I do?!