Help! Positive OPKs for 5 days now


Okay so here’s a back story. I have a daughter who is 4. We didn’t have any trouble conceiving her. Fast forward to now me and my husband has been ttc since November of 2021. I test with OPKs and only have one day of high LH level and a peak. Then next day it goes back down.

This month has been soooo different. Starting a CD 13 and 14 I had spotting barely that was brown and light pink. One when I wiped and some on a panty liner. Then it stopped. I have been testing opks every day and for the past 5 days I have had high LH then a peak and then down but continues to stay high. I never ever had this before. I am what I believe is 2dpo. Has anyone experienced this at all? And if so what was your outcome? I have had what I believe is OVulation pains on both sides during this surge, heart burn, nausea, low appetite. I have read multiple women have a BFP when this happens. Thoughts?