TW: Miscarriage TMI pics


I had positive pregnancy tests (digital & dye) on Tuesday (12/20) the day my period was due. On Thursday (12/22) at 6pm I went to the bathroom and had pink blood, some seemed old and some cramping. I assumed the worst right away, but hoped it was just implantation/normal spotting. By 8pm that night the bright red blood started accompanied by cramps again. Then clots came that night and the next morning. I tested that night and the next morning. Digital (night) read negative, but I didn’t have much pee on it. The pink dye I took the next morning had a fainter line. I haven’t retested yet knowing there’s no point. A part of my desperately wants it to be something else, but i’m on day 2 and still bleeding. I can feel it’s gone. I hadn’t had my first appointment yet and my dr’s office is closed due to the holidays. I’ll be calling to cancel my 8 week appointment, but do I need to go in for this? I’m having some random sharp pains in and out, but nothing concerning. I’m very lightheaded and a bit nauseous now, but the bleeding is minimal. This is my first MC and Idk what to do 😭