
So I work at a restaurant and for the past couple of months this guy has been coming in every single day requesting me, at first I thought okay that’s probably normal he probably just likes my service and that’s why he always asks for me whenever he eats there…. Yeah NO. this guy used to come in MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, every day of the week until he realized I only worked the weekends there. And after that he would show up every single Saturday, he came in every weekend at this point I knew his entire order. then after a while he started switching his meal order like as if he was getting tired of the same food but always kept coming in every Saturday the day that I worked. what I find odd about this man is that I’m 20 years old, he looks 40, and he acts super plain, he doesn’t talk at all but he’s always watching me, I can tell that he is from the corner of my eyes when I’m running around food. I thought we’ll maybe this guy just has a crush on me but after 4 months he’s never asked for my number? or shown any kind of interest? That’s weird. he literally just WATCHES ME. last week I missed work completely and he was there, he talked to one of the waitress and asked for my number, my birthday and my last name. 😮😦 that’s very weird to me because if you know someone’s last name you could easily find out their address online. plus why would he ask for my birthday? Isn’t that something you ask when you start to know someone on a personal level? that’s so odd to me. He comes in right before close and I’m afraid he might snatch me up at night. would he possibly just have a crush? should I be worried that maybe he’s a s** tra***er? or maybe a seri** k****r? His behavior kind of worries me and I want to ban him from coming to the restaurant, he also told my coworker that he would be out of town for the next weeks he’s not gonna be around until then but WTF???