

So my DH and I have been ttc for 14 months. Last year in October, my husband had a vasectomy reversal and we actually were able to start trying in November. We tried for 12 months on our own with no luck. I reached out to fertility and they started my work up. They found that I likely have a blockage in my left tube. Right one is still good. In December of 2022, I started my first cycle of Clomid. No success. This is my second cycle of Clomid and month 14 of ttc. I’m feeling slightly defeated and I just need to talk to people in the same boat as me. I’m currently 8dpo and starting to feel slight cramping. I’m so discouraged this month and I can’t figure out how to get myself out of this slump. I have 2 healthy children that are 13 and 10. My DH and I have none together, but he also has 2 from his previous marriage. They are 7 and 5. I feel selfish talking about my journey to people because they may judge since we technically have 4 as a blended family. I really want that special bond with my husband and I’m struggling over here. His results showed the reversal was successful by the way.