Question about gift giving for bridesmaids

My bachelorette party is tomorrow and I’m putting together boxes to surprise them with that will have robes and these cups in them

My question is… do I put the cups in the box like this so when they open the box they immediately see the cup? Or do I put the cups into the tiny boxes that they came in and then put that into the box?

The cups are glass so I don’t want them to break and I have a 2 hour drive to where we are going…. But I also don’t want it to look shitty when they open the box lmao…. The box will have crinkle paper in it to hopefully cushion them a little bit

I have literally no one else to ask about this so I’m sorry I’m bothering y’all with this

Also kindly ignore the mess in the background! The wedding is in a couple weeks and we are soooooo busy