
Hello all!

My 1 year old has been breaking out in hives all over and different places of her body since Saturday 1/7! The doctor said they are hives and it could be viral! But that they’d go away within a few days. She’s been having them pop up for a week tomorrow and they just keep getting worse it looks like. It started off as a few bumps and now it’s covering her body and she is itchy! Benadryl does nothing, they just fade in color but you can still tell they’re there! Then they come back darker quickly. Has anyone heard of this? I have terrible anxiety and anytime something is going on with my kids out of the norm I freak out. They’re not bug bites and we haven’t changed anything. We do have dogs, but they do not have fleas and she’s been around dogs since she was brought home from the hospital. She has had a nasty cough with some congestion, runny nose, but no fever! I had never heard of this before and she’s my second kid along with nieces and nephews! It just seems like it’s never going away!

She was scratching here and they got super red