Elective C section


I’m 4 months PP and finally getting around to sharing my birth story ❤️

April of 2021 I delivered a stillborn baby boy at 40 weeks. He was supposed to be our rainbow baby after 3 miscarriages and 4 years of infertility. We did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to get pregnant after I had several months to heal from delivery. I got pregnant with our sweet girl January 2022. I changed doctors and I was considered high risk. I had weekly ultrasounds and NST during the last several weeks of my pregnancy.

During my pregnancy, I felt sick to my stomach thinking about giving birth again. I felt like I was going to be reliving the worst day of my life. I asked my doctor if she would let me have a c section. I expressed my concern that my son had shoulder dystocia when he was born and I was terrified that she would get stuck also. Towards the end of my pregnancy baby girl started measuring big, so we scheduled the c section for 37+5.

It was honestly the best experience of my life. We checked in, sat in a room for 2.5 hours then walked back to the OR. I got the spinal around 8 AM, they brought in my husband, and got started. It was so incredibly peaceful.

Hope AnneMarie was born at 8:17 AM on 9/7, beautiful and healthy ❤️ her first cry was the healing my heart so desperately needed! She is the happiest girl, and we are so in love!