Unexpected home birth


I did it!! 🌙 our little miracle came perfectly on his due date

at home! After months of preterm scares, bed rest, turning our lives upside down to make sure baby stays inside safely.. and then weeks of exhausting prodromal labor, I gave birth to our surprise boy at home!

I had planned on meeting my midwife at the birthing center, but I had gone in twice already while having contractions only for them to stop once I got there. So this time when it was real, I waited for it to get too real to finally speak up.

At 11:10 pm, we decided it was time to meet and planned to meet at 12:10 am. my husband was in my daughter’s room at the time getting her back to sleep, so I texted him saying we needed to leave soon. All of a sudden I felt transition. I felt lIke I should get to the bathroom. He wasn’t answering texts so I texted my MIL who was asleep downstairs. No response. Another contraction and felt the urge to push. Finally called my husband which woke him up, then moved to the shower just in time for my water to break! He came running and I told him I’m pushing and to get his mom (she’s a nurse). This was at 11:23 pm. She came up and grabbed a towel and I pushed him out in two pushes at 11:25 pm.

My midwife didnt arrive till 12:06 since she lives far. I sat in the shower holding my perfect little surprise in awe 💙