Did you feel implantation ?


Just wondering what implantation felt like with everyone ?

I found I was pregnant (2nd Jan) though it ended in a chemical :( but on the lower left side I felt pinching/twinges …this time I don’t know if it’s implantation I’m currently 6dpo it started with mild cramps and backache for a few days (NOT normal for me) but I’m having what feels like a pulsating stich/stab slightly to the left nearish my bellybutton ,it doesn’t hurt ,I just know it’s there ,it went on for about a minute ,stopped ,then did it an hour later , I have no clue but I have read other people have had it too with implantation, iv just been waiting to feel exactly the same as I did last time I was pregnant but I’m aware it could happen differently,so iv no clue what’s going on , did have a temp dip on my BBT today but iv Only just started tracking that so don’t know if it even means anything , but what were your experiences with implantation .?!