Baby #2


Baby boy turned a week today! Last week on Wednesday I had a regular ob appointment where he checked me and I was 3cm, he had offered to induce me before checking me, to which I declined, and after he checked me he said “oh no nevermind, you’re having this baby this week” the next day (exactly 37weeks) I had an appointment with my high risk doctor to which I mentioned I was at 3cm and having contractions which were no surprise since I’ve been having them for over 2 weeks. Due to my sonogram showing that my cervix was open, a nurse checked me and I was at 6cm! They sent me to L&D at 1pm and had baby by 6pm. Got the epidural but since I was at 6cm they gave me a small dosage so I felt EVERYTHING, the ring of fire was no joke, the nurse checked me at 9cm and asked me to push, with that one push he was crowning, so then she told me to stop and called the doctor, as soon as he came in I pushed again and he was out. No tears, no cuts! My little baby Emiliano was 6lbs 1oz 🤍🤍