Preemie baby clothes

Alexis • Mommy of 4 💜💙💖💚.

Hey preemie mamas! I’m going to be having my son in 19 or less days and he will be premature. That being said how long was your baby in preemie clothes? I’m just trying to get an idea of how many preemie clothes I should order. I obviously know it’s based on his weight but I’m just getting like ball park ideas. Thanks in advance 🫶🏻

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Depends on weight and how he grows. My so. Stayed in preemie clothes for 2-3 weeks. My Daughter could wear preemie for about 2 months. Depended on the outfit too.. eventually her little legs were super long but still so tiny and skinny lol.


A • Mar 14, 2023
Aww 🥰 enjoy it though. One of the perks with preemies, they stay smaller longer. ♥️ congratulations on your baby boy


Alexis • Mar 8, 2023
My son is almost 5 pounds now and preemie clothes still eat his body 🤣 I ended up buying a lot


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My 34wk was in preemie clothes about a month. She was born 5lbs3oz, so a good size for a preemie.