What causes vagina odors

Need home remedies for B.O. I went to my doctor I had a urine test for Sti, STDs, blood test for STDs and they said there's no infection tested for yeast, Bacteria BV, the doctor said there is no infection she did a urine culture clean and a vaginal swab under microscope all saw was ovulation and healthy flora

There's this odor you know when you walk into a room where someone has the flu and the room stinks and a boys bedroom stinks there's this strange smell I can't detect what's the smell but the odor is similar to something sour like how men smell after the gym or how after a long day how mens balls odor and I'm struggling with this odor going through leggings and pants and I shower daily twice a day I take baths, I wash outside(not inside) outside the vulva what are home remedies what do you do for vaginal health and how do you get rid of body odor I wonder why my body has this odor if it's the natural vaginal discharge, if it's sweat I don't really exercise I take a shower get dry and a few hours later I notice the odor even overnight when I wake up in the morning I'm embarrassed to open my legs when wind breezes by I can smell the foul odor. I haven't had sex or a a sexual partner for a few years no sexual activities.

more information when I was a virgin and I smelled clean my discharge everything smelled clean healthy and after I had sex I noticed an odor I would just wash up and it went away and if he ejaculated sperm inside TMI but I would have to wear a panty liner because of the sperm the discharge and it smelled like that but after the discharge left I would wash up or take a bath and the odor was gone. My S.O. he started to get b.o. and I noticed after sex and being physical with him that odor rubbed off on me and it took a lot of baths shower to get rid of it, it was like he was sprayed with a skunk. The relationship ended and the vagina area smells like skunk. How do you get rid of b.o. home remedies homeopathic remedies hygiene what do you do to take care of those feminine areas