Anyone got a clue?

Last week I started having some “heat” in my genitals like they felt swollen, and I was peeing a lot. I was also having stomach pains, like upper abdominal pain that felt like really painful trapped gas. It just kept getting worse and worse and my entire abdomen was bloated and was SO painful. I was mildly nauseous and having to pass soooo much gas. It even hurt up my back. I managed to get to a doctor who thought it was a bad UTI but my culture was negative. He gave me antibiotics anyway and it has steadily gotten better since I started them. So…? Did I have an intestinal infection that the antibiotics helped? Food poisoning? I for real never had stomach cramps like that. I wasn’t throwing up, I didn’t have diarrhea (but I was pooping frequently), it was just insane INSANE gas and intense bloating and pressure. Doc was just kinda like 🤷🏻‍♀️