Potential 10lb baby?!


So I had an appointment last Friday at 37 weeks and midwife said I was measuring 40 weeks and ordered an ultrasound for this week at 38 weeks and they told me baby is measuring 9lbs 8oz.. this is my 2nd baby and my first was 8lbs 1oz and i had a 3rd degree tear. They also told me that baby’s abdomen is bigger than her head so there’s a possibility of shoulder dystocia and they told me all the different risks and also said that if I don’t dilate on my own past a 7-8 it’s my body telling me that this baby is big and we’d do a c-section. They basically said it’s 50/50 right now.

Has anyone experienced anything similar to this? Experiences with shoulder dystocia?

Anything that can ease my mind because I’m kind of freaking out now 😅🥺