My baby boy has arrived..🥰

G • Mum to a beautiful 9yo girl 💖 and handsome little 6yo boy 💙 no.3 on the way 🙏🏼🥰 Due 13th March 2023 🩵

My due date was 13/3/23 but i had my baby boy 20/02/23 by planed csection

I went in to labour and delivery on Monday with pain and pressure on my previous csection scar and my midwife and doctor decided it was best i had him that day to avoid rupturing and uncontrollable blood loss.

My husband got to record the birth as it happened. The surgeon said she's going to lower the sheet for us to see him being born and to record. It was the most amazing sight i have ever experienced in my life! I will treasure that moment forever 🩵💙

I'd love to post the video but i have no clue how to do that lol

My baby boy 🩵Nihaal🩵 was born 20/02/23 at 7:24pm weighing 5.9lbs at 37 weeks 🥰