Any help?

I’m currently 3 months postpartum and i’m going through postpartum depression really bad, not to the point where I think about hurting myself or my baby but just really the loneliness and not really loving myself anymore, missing freedom sometimes.. I have 2 friends, they are my child’s God parents and they both live in different states and are both pregnant so we communicate when we can but it’s hard to talk to them about what i’m going through because they have their own issues as well and I want to help make their pregnancy’s easy because mine was not and I’d hate them to experience the feelings that I did.. my parents will say i’m too young to be depressed..i’m not close at all with my boyfriends family and I try to be strong when speaking to my siblings because i’ve never been open or soft around them or my family.. I am a sahm and honestly I’ve been dealing with this depression in the most unhealthiest ways and i’d love to find out how I can get some help that’s affordable..I’m trying..i really am so any help is good help..thank you in advance.